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This Is Why I Do This Job

Monday, May 22, 2017
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from my father. We were sitting in my parents' kitchen talking about my decision to go back to school to pursue my MBA and I made some off-hand comment about how it was kind of silly for me to go through all of this to earn a degree I didn't really need. After all, you don't need an advanced degree in business to make photographs. And my dad looked at me said, "son, the time is gonna go by regardless so you might as well do something with it". It wad a simple phrase made in passing, but something about it struck home and the wisdom in my father's words has never left me. As I watch my daughter grow everyday, I can see so clearly the passage of time and I can hear the words of that conversation with my dad echoing in my mind. Life goes so fast and I'm so incredibly happy that we're capturing so much of it in photographs. Someday, our daughter will be able to look back and relive all the beautiful moments that we shared as a family - and that is why I do this job, so I can give that same ability to look back in time to others. Photographs are perhaps one of the most valuable things on this planet because one day, they'll be all we have left of this life. So go out there and take pictures - tell the future who you are and celebrate you life each and every day.

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